Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Dream Debt

I often find the topic of "Dreams" a particularly interesting one. Dreams not in the literal sense, "dreams" as in things you'd like to achieve, things you'd like to have and what not. I've had the luck of coming into contact with people that actually taught me what its like to have a dream. Trust me, when you have a dream, it'll make each and every day of your life all the more purposeful.

There have been plenty of books written on this topic. But I'd like to bring up one specific book that I've read that's particularly engaging. Its called "Dream Making in a Dream Taking World" by Dr. Steve Price. Dr. Price talks about something called "The Dream Debt" in his book. What's a dream debt? Perhaps you've heard of the saying "a debt of gratitude". These are the people in your life that have sacrificed so that you can have what you have in life at this moment.

Now why did I bring up this subject? As I write this post, Mothers' Day is just coming to a close. I can tell you my mom has certainly given up plenty to raise me and my brother to be the person we are today. (I'm not going to go into the details) How do I pay off my "Dream Debt" exactly? Will your actions ensure that their sacrifices are worth while? This subject goes even deeper as you move up your family tree. What sacrifices did our forefathers have had to make to ensure the next generation will have a better life?

Are you just going to coast through life in a mediocre fashion? Or will you find a cause worthy of fighting for? A cause that will make those who come before to be proud of who you are. I personally make it an obligation to make sure I pay off my dream debt.

I was grateful to have the opportunity of dining with my mom and grandmother (mom's mom) to celebrate mothers' day. And I will soon be reviewing the food in my next post. Look forward to that as there will be plenty of yummylicious images. With that, I wish all the mothers around the world a very Happy Mothers' Day. Go and make your momma proud!

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