Thursday, July 4, 2013


This is just going to be a short post and directed towards SRDC traders in general. Its just something that's been in my mind for quite awhile. The A300 set up was introduced a few months back and the general response is that pretty much everyone has been getting excellent consistency on that set up. Just have a look at all the SRDC trader blogs that are out there!

When the USU syllabus is first introduced to a trader, its pretty much like a piece of puzzle, your purpose is to put it together and find a particular set up to your liking. There's nothing new being introduced into A300 really. It just takes out all the clutter and keeps trading really plain and simple. Truth be told, when A300 was first introduced I didn't welcome it into my trading set up with open arms. Honestly, I was even apprehensive. But I got to talking with Iceman, telling him how I filtered my A300 trades (or rather lack of) with moving averages and other time frames which are not supposed to be part of the A300 set up. The eventuality of that was I ended up not taking any trades at all! He then told me the purpose of why A300 was ever introduced; it was to prevent "paralysis by analysis", which is a lot of trader's worst enemy! Ever since that counselling session with Iceman, I've been entering into the market with far higher frequency and with amazing consistency and harvest.

Which begs the question... Is it easier to learn or to unlearn? The students who are just entering (or rejoining) the SRDC community are very fortunate to learn the A300 with a blank canvas. Whereas senior members have to make like brand new traders and forget about all the other techniques swimming around in our head. At the end of the day, to be a great trader, you've got to humble yourself and be teachable. I'd like to take this opportunity to specifically thank Iceman for teaching me to "unlearn". A bigger thank you goes out to OrangeRoshan, because without him there would be no SRDC.

To all the SRDC traders that are reading this... May the pips be with all of you!