Thursday, April 10, 2014

Back to Basics

Given advanced techniques, we tend to overlook the basics, which is a grave mistake. I've recently reverted back to the basics in my trading set up. After a couple of reviews with SRDC Chief Instructor aka Iceman, he's helped me and a couple of other traders fill in the gaps in our understanding of the basics of A300. Here's a quick update on my trades for the past 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

Trade 1, 24th March 2014, 460 pip harvest

Trade 2, 28th March, 300 pip harvest
Trade 3, 10th April 2014, 510 pip harvest

That's an accumulated harvest of 1270 pips in a span of 18 days. With SRDC's suggested money management, you're looking at an estimated ROI of almost 13%. I need to stress that these 3 trades were just using SRDC's basic A300 set up! We're just scraping the surface of what the SRDC system is capable of!

I'd like to take some time to talk about trade 2. Now some of you who follow me on facebook will know that I've recently been to the Singapore International Coin Fair on the week of the 28th March. Even whilst I was in Singapore, I managed to catch a delayed A300 entry with minimal analysis! Trading has never been simpler.

As always, big thanks and gratitude goes out to Sensei Orange Roshan for sharing these trading set ups with us. I'd also like to send out my appreciation and thanks to Chief Instructor Iceman for taking the time out of his busy schedule to review the basics with us. More pips to come!

To check out all my updates from the Coin Fair, head on over to the Lim's Precious Metals facebook page.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Big Phil

I'm back for a quick update on what's happening in March. Here's what's happening on the trading side. Its been a nice trending month in March. Nothing too spectacular for my harvest. Was a little disappointed that I missed certain obvious trades, but was nonetheless happy and grateful for whatever pips I bagged.

I've attached snapshots of the 2 trades that I took so far this month. A total harvest of 1130 pips. Using SRDC's suggested money management system, that's a return of 11.3%. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but find me another financial instrument in the market that can give you this kinda returns in a month, let alone 2 trading days! I've always been very conservative in my trading, you'll hear from more spectacular traders in the SRDC community. (Yes, 10% ROI per month is conservative)

On another note, I'm super excited to be heading to Singapore next week for the 2014 Singapore International Coin Fair! As many of you know, I'm also involved in trading investment grade precious metals. There's something which I'm particular stoked about seeing at this fair. I believe I should let the picture do the talking.

What you're looking at is a 1000 ounce gold coin from the Austrian Mint. It weighs a mind bending 31.1 kg and costs over sgd 1.7 million according to today's price!

I'll end my post today with a link to other SRDC Worldwide community bloggers. Once again, I'm forever grateful and humbled to be part of this great community. The gains I've experienced being in this community extends beyond just monetary gains. As a result of being in this community, I've been self-employed coming out of graduation. I've learnt success principles from the seniors. Believe it or not, from this community, I've learnt how to grow my own fruits and vegetables. (Hope to blog about that sometime soon.)

And as always, I thank Sensei Orange Roshan for sharing these invaluable techniques with us. Does the SRDC system really work? Well, have a look...

Brunei traders